
For more complex applications that need to efficiently display linked addresses in a list view, you will want to process the events in a background job. If you save these events into an SQL database, you can then write query similar to the below. Note you will still need to validate `isValidName` in your frontend.

Database Migrations:

-- +goose Up
create table name_created
    id          text        NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    tx_hash     text        NOT NULL,
    nft_index   int4        NOT NULL,
    "name"      text        NOT NULL,
    capitalisation     text        NOT NULL,
    creator     text        NOT NULL,
    expires     int4        NOT NULL,
    timestamp   int4        NOT NULL,
    created     timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
CREATE INDEX name_created_nft_index_index ON name_created (nft_index);
CREATE INDEX name_created_name_index ON name_created ("name");
CREATE INDEX name_created_creator_index ON name_created (creator);

create table name_renewed
    id          text        NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    tx_hash     text        NOT NULL,
    nft_index   int4        NOT NULL,
    "name"      text        NOT NULL,
    renewer     text        NOT NULL,
    expires     int4        NOT NULL,
    timestamp   int4        NOT NULL,
    created     timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
CREATE INDEX name_renewed_nft_index_index ON name_renewed (nft_index);
CREATE INDEX name_renewed_name_indexx ON name_renewed ("name");
CREATE INDEX name_renewed_renewer_index ON name_renewed (renewer);

create table address_set
    id          text        NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    tx_hash     text        NOT NULL,
    nft_index   int4        NOT NULL,
    "name"      text        NOT NULL,
    new_address text        NOT NULL,
    timestamp   int4        NOT NULL,
    created     timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
CREATE INDEX address_set_nft_index_index ON address_set (nft_index);
CREATE INDEX address_set_name_index ON address_set ("name");
CREATE INDEX address_set_new_address_index ON address_set (new_address);

create table capitalisation_set
    id          text        NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    tx_hash     text        NOT NULL,
    nft_index   int4        NOT NULL,
    "name"      text        NOT NULL,
    new_capitalisation text        NOT NULL,
    timestamp   int4        NOT NULL,
    created     timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
CREATE INDEX capitalisation_set_nft_index_index ON capitalisation_set (nft_index);
CREATE INDEX capitalisation_set_name_index ON capitalisation_set ("name");
CREATE INDEX capitalisation_set_new_capitalisation_index ON capitalisation_set (new_capitalisation);

create table name_deleted
    id          text        NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    tx_hash     text        NOT NULL,
    nft_index   int4        NOT NULL,
    "name"      text        NOT NULL,
    deleter     text        NOT NULL,
    timestamp   int4        NOT NULL,
    created     timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
CREATE INDEX name_deleted_nft_index_index ON name_deleted (nft_index);
CREATE INDEX name_deleted_name_index ON name_deleted ("name");
CREATE INDEX name_deleted_deleter_index ON name_deleted (deleter);

create table reverse_address_set
    id          text        NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    tx_hash     text        NOT NULL,
    "address"   text        NOT NULL,
    new_name    text        NOT NULL,
    timestamp   int4        NOT NULL,
    created     timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
CREATE INDEX reverse_address_set_address_index ON reverse_address_set ("address");
CREATE INDEX reverse_address_set_new_name_index ON reverse_address_set (new_name);

create table reverse_address_deleted
    id          text        NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    tx_hash     text        NOT NULL,
    "address"   text        NOT NULL,
    "name"      text        NOT NULL,
    timestamp   int4        NOT NULL,
    created     timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
CREATE INDEX reverse_address_deleted_address_index ON reverse_address_deleted ("address");
CREATE INDEX reverse_address_deleted_name_index ON reverse_address_deleted ("name");

-- +goose Down
drop table name_created;
drop table order_cancelled;
drop table address_set;
drop table capitalisation_set;
drop table name_deleted;
drop table reverse_address_set;
drop table reverse_address_deleted;

Query for bulk fetching names by address, just pass in an array of address strings:

lastest_name_created AS (
	SELECT DISTINCT ON ("name") A."name", A.creator, A.capitalisation, A.expires, A."timestamp"
	FROM name_created A
	ORDER BY A."name", A."timestamp" DESC
lastest_address_set AS (
	SELECT DISTINCT ON ("name") A."name", A.new_address
	FROM address_set A
	ORDER BY A."name", A."timestamp" DESC
lastest_capitalisation_set AS (
	SELECT DISTINCT ON ("name") A."name", A.new_capitalisation
	FROM capitalisation_set A
	ORDER BY A."name", A."timestamp" DESC
lastest_name_renewed AS (
	SELECT DISTINCT ON ("name") A."name", A.expires
	FROM name_renewed A
	ORDER BY A."name", A."timestamp" DESC
lastest_name_deleted AS (
	SELECT DISTINCT ON ("name") A."name", A."timestamp"
	FROM name_deleted A
	ORDER BY A."name", A."timestamp" DESC
lastest_reverse_address_set AS (
	SELECT DISTINCT ON (address) A.address, A.new_name, A."timestamp"
	FROM reverse_address_set A
	order by A.address, A."timestamp" DESC
lastest_reverse_address_deleted AS (
	SELECT DISTINCT ON (address) A.address, A."timestamp"
	FROM reverse_address_deleted A
	order by A.address, A."timestamp" DESC
	COALESCE(LAS.new_address, LNC.creator) AS address,
	COALESCE(LCS.new_capitalisation, LNC.capitalisation) AS capitalisation,
	COALESCE(LNR.expires, LNC.expires) AS expires
FROM lastest_name_created LNC
LEFT OUTER JOIN lastest_address_set LAS
ON LNC."name" = LAS."name"
LEFT OUTER JOIN lastest_capitalisation_set LCS
ON LNC."name" = LCS."name"
LEFT OUTER JOIN lastest_name_renewed LNR
ON LNC."name" = LNR."name"
LEFT OUTER JOIN lastest_name_deleted LND
ON LNC."name" = LND."name"
LEFT OUTER JOIN lastest_reverse_address_set LRAS
ON LNC."name" = LRAS.new_name
LEFT OUTER JOIN lastest_reverse_address_deleted LRAD
ON LRAS.address = LRAD.address
	COALESCE(LNR.expires, LNC.expires) > extract(epoch FROM now())
	AND (LND."timestamp" IS NULL OR LND."timestamp" < LNC."timestamp")
	AND (LRAD."timestamp" IS NULL OR LRAD."timestamp" < LRAS."timestamp")
	AND LRAS."address" = COALESCE(LAS.new_address, LNC.creator)
	AND COALESCE(LAS.new_address, LNC.creator) = ANY ($1::varchar[])

Last updated